Science Schedule
1st hour 8th Grade Science
2nd hour PREP
3rd hour 8th Grade Science
4th hour MTSS
5th hour 7th Grade Science
6th hour 8th Grade Science
7th hour 7th Grade Science
8th hour 8th Grade ASR
Classroom Expectations & Consequences
In order for our science classroom to be successful, we have the following expectations for all students:
1. Be to class on time and in your seat when the bell rings.
2. Have all your materials ready to use when the bell rings.
3. Listen to and follow all instructions the first time they are given.
4. Respect your classmates, your teachers, and your school.
If you choose not to follow the classroom expections, a consequence will be earned:
1st offense: warning
2nd offense: teacherease behavior log
3rd offense: student removed from the classroom, behavior log , and parents contacted
Grading Scale
100% A+ 93-99 A 90-92 A-
88-89 B+ 83-87 B 80-82 B-
78-79 C+ 73-77 C 70-72 C-
68-69 D+ 63-67 D 60-62 D-
59 and lower F
Absent Work
Students are expected to take care of their make-up work. Science consists of daily note-coverage, videos, study guides/paper assignments, and activities. The textbook pages referenced in the notes are recommended reading if a student requires additional explanation. Notes are provided via a link on Google Classroom. Students are expected to check their email, Google Classroom, and teacherease account everyday.
If an absence occurs when the class views a video, the student is responsible for viewing it on their own time. If the absence occurs during an activity, the scope of the activity may or may not be made-up at the discretion of the teacher. If a study guide/paper assignment is given during the absence, the student is responsible for getting the paper from my classroom.
You may refer to the student handbook for additional information regarding the district policy for absences. Please know that I will take into consideration each individual situation and provide assistance according to the needs of the student and family for long-term excused absences.